BCA. Part I
Semester I
UNIT- I: Programming Structure: Sequence, Selection,
Iteration, and Modular. Problem-Solving techniques: Development Tools:
Algorithm, Flowcharts, and Pseudo code (Definition and its characteristics)
Developing Algorithm and Drawing flowcharts
UNIT- II: C Character set, Tokens, Identifier, Keywords,
Variables, Data types, Qualifiers. Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic,
Relational, Logical, Bit-Wise, Increment, Decrement, Conditional and Special
operators. typedef, Type Conversion, Constants, Declaring Symbolic Constants, Character
Strings, Enumerated Data Types, Operator Precedence, and Associativity. Library
functions. : Maths, string handling Functions. Control Structure: Compound
Statement, Selection Statement: if, if-else, Nested if, switch. Iteration
statement: for, while doing..while, Nested loops, Jump statement: break,
continue, goto. (Special emphasis on problem-solving)
UNIT- III : Arrays: Need, Types: Single and Two Dimensional
Array. Strings: Strings Manipulation, Arrays of Strings, Evaluation order
Function: Function Components, Return Data type, Parameter Passing, Return by
Reference, Default Arguments, Recursive Functions, Arrays with Functions,
Storage Classes. (Special emphasis on problem-Solving)
UNIT- IV: Structure: Declaration, Definition, Accessing structure members, Initialization, Nesting of Structures. Union: Unions, Differences between Structure and Union Pointer: Introduction, Address Operator (&), Pointer variables, Void pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers to Pointers. File handling: Hierarchy of File Stream Classes, Opening & closing a file, Testing for errors, File Modes, File pointers, and their manipulations, Sequential Access, Random Access, and Command Line arguments
C Programming Notes