B.C.A. Part I Semester I
This is official Operating Systems syllabus from the rtm nagpur university (RTMNU)
OS. Process Management: Process states, Creation, Termination, Operations on
Process, Concurrent process, Processes Threads, Multithreading, Micro Kernels
CPU Scheduling: Schedulers, Scheduling Methodology, CPU Scheduling Algorithm:
FCFS, SJF, RR, Priority Scheduling.
UNIT – II: Performance comparison: Deterministic Modeling, Queuing analysis, Simulators.
Deadlock and Starvation: Resource Allocation Graph, Conditions for Dead Lock, Dead
Lock Prevention, Dead Lock Detection, and Recovery from Deadlock.
UNIT - III: Memory Management: Logical Vs. Physical Address Space, Swapping, Memory
Management Requirement, Dynamic Loading and Dynamic Linking, Memory Allocation
Method: Single Partition allocation, Multiple Partitions, Compaction, paging,
segmentation, Segmentation with paging. Protection.
UNIT - IV: I/O Management: I/O hardware, I/O Buffering, Disk I/O, Raid, Disk Cache. File
Management: File Management system, File Accessing Methods, File Directories,
File Allocation Methods, File Space Management, Disk Space Management, and Record
blocking. Protection Mechanisms: Cryptography, Digital Signature, User
Operating System Notes