Programming Structure Question & Answer (unit I)

‘C’ PROGRAMMING Question and Answer

Programming Structure

Ques 1) What do you mean by programming?

Ans: Programming
A precise list of steps which dedicated to achieving a particular job is known as program. The set of instructions which guide the computer to perform specific operations is known as computer programs. The instructions are arranged in logical sequence and assembled by the computer programmers. Computer programming can be considered as engineering process as careful designing, reliability and low cost are the main requirements. It is considered to be an art as well as a literary effort as programmers use their intuition,
personalization, and expertise about the programming
languages while designing computer programs.


Ques 2) Explain structured programming construct.


Que) Write the short notes on the following:

1) Sequence.                                                       2) Selection

3) Iteration                                                          4) Modular 


 Que) Explain the following terms:                                               (2016 [05])

1) Sequence                                                        2) Selection


Que) Write short notes on:                                                            (2017 [05])

 1) Iterative structure        2) Selection structure      3) Modular structure 


Que) What is modular programming? Explain in detail.            (2017[05])


Que) What is Iteration programming structure? Explain in brief.                                                                                                                       (2016[2.5])


Que) Write a short note on Modular Programming structure.                                                                                                                             (2018[2.5])


Que) Explain selection and iterative programming structure.                                                                                                                                (2018[05])


Que) Explain the following terms:                                               (2019[05])

 1) Sequence                  2) Selection                  3) Iteration.


Structured Programming Construct/Control

A structure is a basic unit of programming logic; each structure is a sequence, selection, or loop. With these three structures alone, one can diagram any task, from doubling a number to performing brain surgery. One can diagram each structure with a specific configuration of flowchart symbols. The various programming structures are described below:

1) Sequence Programming Structure: A sequential programming structure is a sequence of instructions that the computer follows in order, one by one, from
top to bottom. This means that the computer will run the code in order, one line at a time from the top to the bottom of the program. It will start at line l then
execute line 2 then line 3 and so on till it reaches the last line of the program.


The actions are typically processes and I/O operations. The Each action contributes something to the next action.

For example,
int x = 5;
int y = 1l;
int z = x *+y:
printf (z);


2) Selection Programming Structure: A selection programming structure allows the computer to make a selection between alternative conditions (for example, if this condition exists, do this - if not, do that). The computer first assesses the condition and then makes a decision about how to proceed. An example of a selection structure is the if else statement.


The condition is included in the flowchart as shown in figure below:



As shown in above figure, if the condition is satisfied. statement 2 gets executed otherwise statement 2 is executed.


For example,
x = 2;
while (x < 100)

{ printf(x);

             x = x * x;



3) Iteration Programming Structure: Repetition or looping programming structure instructs the computer to repeat a set of instructions, called a loop, until some condition is met. Repetition structure include the while, do/while and for statements.

For example, for checking any number is even or odd.

        int n;
        printf ("Enter any number (which is to be checked as
        even or odd): ");
        scanf ("%d", &n);
        if (n%2==0)                 /*test for even*/
        printf ("%d number is even number", n);
        printf("%d is an odd number", n);

4) Modular Programming Structure: Modular programming is an approach to software development in which programmer writes separate functions in separate files, compile them, and perhaps even separately debug them. Then the modules holding one or several (debugged and working) functions are brought together for the final link/locate stage.

To initiate modular programming, break the overall project into separate parts, and develop and debug them separately. Programmers partition the project very carefully, so the modules can be reused in later programs.

For example, a time given delay routine can be put into a module and never give attention again. Likewise, interface software to a peripheral   (like a stepper motor ) can be put into a module with all the interface details (e.g., timing, drive pattern) hidden from other modules


There is a function to read and check the input data, and another function to do the analysis. Once the data has been read and analysed, a fourth function has the
task of outputting the team and player rankings.

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