B.C.A. Part I Semester I
UNIT- I: Propositional Calculus: Connectives, Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction, statement formulas, and truth tables, conditional and Bi-conditional, well-formed formulas, Tautologies, Equivalence of formulas, duality law,Tautologies implications, Functionally complete set of, other connectives,
UNIT- II: Disjunctive normal forms, connective normal forms, Principal disjunctive normal form, Principal
conjunctive normal form.
UNIT- III: Predicate Calculus: The theory of Inference for statement Calculus, validity using truth tables, Rules of inference, consistency of premises, and indirect method of Proof
UNIT- IV: The statement function, variables, and quantifier, Predicate formulas, Free and Bound variables,
The universe of Discourse, Theory of inference for predicate calculus.
Discrete Mathematics-I Notes