B.C.A. Part II Semester III 

This is the official Data Structures Syllabus from the RTM Nagpur University (RTMNU)

UNIT - I: LINKED LIST: Linked List, Representation of Single, Double, Header, Circular Single,  and Double Linked list, All possible operations on Single and Double linked List using Dynamic representation, Polynomial Representation, and its Manipulation.

UNIT - II: STACKS: Stacks terminology, Representation of Stacks in Memory, Operation on Stacks, Polish Notations, Translation of infix to postfix & prefix expression, Infix to Postfix Conversion, Evaluation of Postfix Expression, Recursion, Problems on Recursion, Quick Sort and Tower of Hanoi Problem. 

UNIT - III: QUEUE: Representation of Queues in Memory, Circular Queue. Dequeue and Priority Queue. Operations of the above Structure using Array and Linked Representation. SORTING AND SEARCHING: Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Efficiency of Sorting Methods, Big-O Notations. Hash Tables, Hashing Technique, Collision Resolution Technique. 

UNIT - IV: TREES: Basic Terminologies, Representation of Binary Trees in Memory, Traversing of Binary tree, Binary Search Tree, Operation on Binary Search Tree, Heap Tree, Operation on Heap Tree, Heap Sort Method GRAPHS: Basic Terminologies, Definition, and Representation of Graphs in Memory: Linked List and Matrix Representation. Traversing graphs: BSF, DFS Method.


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