B.C.A. Part I Semester II

This is the official Linux operating system Syllabus from the RTM Nagpur University (RTMNU)
UNIT - I: Logging In and Logging Out, Anatomy of Linux OS, Directory Structure, /usr Directory, File Types: User datafiles, System data files, Executable files. Naming files and directories, Spawning Processes. Shell: Creating User Account, Shell Program, bash shell, Changing shell prompt. Commands: Basic Syntax for a command, Exploring the Home Directory, ls,
mkdir, rmdir, stat, cat, rm, mv, cp

UNIT - II : Editor: Vi editor. Hooking up Hardware Devices: Formatting a Floppy Disk, Gathering important system information. Backing Up and restoring the File System: Simple Backup, gzip, gunzip, tar. Printing files: Print Spool directory, Sending files to Printer.

UNIT - III: Sharing Files with other Users: Maintaining User Accounts, Changing Password, Creating Group Accounts, Granting Access to files, Changing File Ownership, Protecting Files, and Making a File Read-Only. Working with Processes: Types of processes, ps Command, Creating process, killing process, free command, and top utility.

UNIT - IV: Managing Disk Space: df, du commands, Creating Additional Free Disk Space, Locating Unused Files, Setting System Clock. Communication Utilities: who, who am i, finger, mesg, write, wall, talk, Creating a message of the day. X Window System, Graphical User Interfaces: KDE and GNOME Desktop Environment.

Linux Operating System Notes

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