B.C.A. Part I Semester II
UNIT - I: Roots of Non-Linear Equations: Algebraic equation, Polynomial equation, Transcendental equation, Iterative method, Starting & Stopping Iterative method, Bisection Method, False Position method, Newton Raphson Method: Secant Method, Determining all possible roots, Multiple roots of polynomial, Complex Roots using Muller's Method.
UNIT - III: Linear interpolation, Lagrange Interpolation, Spline Interpolation, Interpolation with equidistant points, Least Square regression Fitting, Transcendental equations, Multiple linear regression, m conditioning in the least square
UNIT - IV: Integration & Differentiation: Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson 1/3 Rule, Simpson
3/8 rule, Gaussian Integration, Solution to the differential equation (using Runge-Kutta
second and fourth order methods, Multistep method for differential equations
(Milne-Simpson method, Adams-bashforth
Numerical Methods Note