B.C.A. Part II Semester III

This is the official Visual Basic Syllabus from the RTM Nagpur University (RTMNU)

UNIT-I: Working with Visual Basic Window Components: Menu Bar, Tool Bar, Project Explorer Window, Form Layout Window, properties Window, Toolbox, Code Editor Window Working with Forms: Properties, Events, Methods Working with Basic Controls: Label, CommandButton, TextBox, OptionButton, Frame, CheckBox, ListBox, ComboBox, Image, Scroll, Picture, Timer, DriveListBox, DirListBox, FileListBox, and Shape Controls. Basic Programming Fundamentals: Variables, Data types, Constant, Conversion Function. Scope of Variable: Public, Private Static. Operators: Logical, Arithmetic, Concatenation, Comparison. Decision Structure: If. Then, If...Then...Else, Select Case... End Case. Loop Structure: Do...While, While.. Wend, For. Next, With.EndWith. DoEvents()

UNIT-II: Arrays: Dynamic Array, Preserve, and Control arrays. Procedure: General procedure, General Methods for Passing Arguments to a Procedure, Functions: User-Interaction, String, Math, Date, Conversion Functions. Modules: Form, Standard.

UNIT-III: Menus: Creating, Adding Menu Items, Creating Shortcut, Adding Separators Bars, Submenus, Code for Menus. Creating Popup Menu: System, Custom. Database Handling: Database Concepts, Creating and Accessing Database, Using Data Control. Using DAO: Creating Search Programs, Numeric Search, and Complex Search Programs.

UNIT-IV: Using ADO Data Control, Data Link, ODBC Data Source name, Using Connection String, Creating Navigating buttons. Working with Advanced Data Controls: DataList Control, DataCombo Control, DataGrid Control, and Msflexgrid Control. Handling Errors: Run Time, Trapping and Handling Error, ERR Object. Data Environment and Data Reports.


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